Counter back with a Splash Attack!
Epic Win. :]
Counter back with a Splash Attack!
Epic Win. :]
Normally I would've blammed something that short, but it was so damn hilARIOUS :D
Lo siento, pero...
Nadie conocen espanol. :(
Woot! Fun.
This was a fun movie to watch. If you are making another one, you should try to do motion tweens, just send me a message if you need to learn how. It will make your animation look smoother and the characters won't just jump around. Also, you could try putting in sound effects, like a sword slash or something. I liked the screen transitions, like the blur thing when it changed scenes! You should try to compress the music a little bit and the file size should be a lot lower, it takes a long time to load. Other than that, well done!
I'm tired of all this anti-clock and f-krew shit. Shut up and go cry to your mommy, because the clockcrew will stand forevuh.
Good for the Clock Crew.
F-KREW Mischief Maker
Good job!!!
What song was that>?
That was awesome!
What program did you use? That looked really funny.
This was pretty good!
I really liked it, with the fat paparazzi dude. I read all of the filter text, haha. Hope to see more of your animations!
Tom Cruise got pwn3d. Really good! Perfect scores.